How to Hire the Best Divorce Law Solicitor in Ireland? A Divorce Law Solicitor Near Me?

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A divorce in Ireland in 2021 can be a very stressful undertaking, but one of the ways you can alleviate this stress is by hiring the best divorce solicitor in Ireland.

Hiring the best divorce solicitor in Ireland could be the difference between you having to pay an extortionate settlement to your spouse or having to pay a reasonable settlement that won’t break the bank. The best divorce solicitor for you might not be the same as one that represented a friend. Solicitors approach cases differently and their personality may or may not be what you need. There is no singular best divorce solicitor, the best divorce solicitor for you will depend on what sort of a solicitor you are looking to bring you through the process and how well you can work together with them to get the right outcome.

The mistake that many people can make is that they hire a solicitor who does not specialize in family law and this lack of knowledge in the area can lead to oversights that can have devastating long-term impacts.

These oversights can be costly in terms of finances, emotional wellbeing, and access to your children.  For such an important and life changing event you should always seek to have a specialist divorce lawyer or family law lawyer who will fight for you every step of the way. There are specialist firms and solicitors across Ireland including Liston Family Law.

In this blog post, I will touch on some of the key reasons why you should be seeking the advice of the best family law solicitor in Ireland.

The best divorce solicitor in Ireland will be an expert in their niche

The law is vast and being an expert in every area is extremely unlikely. One of the key reasons why a solicitor might emerge as the best divorce solicitor in Ireland is because they specialize in that particular area.

If you hire a family law solicitor who specializes in the niche of family law or divorce law your case will get the care and attention that it deserves. Why hire someone who can only devote a few minutes here and there to your case, when you can hire a specialist who will be able spot the issues straight away?

Another fact to consider is that Solicitors make mistakes. When a solicitor is not a specialist within a particular area of law the chances of them making a mistake is increased.

By hiring the best family law solicitor who specializes in family law you can rest easy knowing that your case is in safe hands.

Will I really need to hire a specialist divorce solicitor or family law solicitor?

Whilst you can get divorced in Ireland without hiring the services of a divorce lawyer, such a tactic is not advisable. Getting divorced without a lawyer increases the chances of you getting taken advantage of, making costly errors, and not protecting your long term financial future.

A specialist divorce solicitor or family law solicitor will be skilled in ensuring that you’re protected not only in the short term but in the long term.

If you do decide to represent yourself in court, will you have ability to draft any contractual clauses that prevent claims from being made on assets that you build up in the future?  If not, it would be a wise decision to hire a specialist family law solicitor whose trained legal eyes will be able to spot any future claims being made on your assets.

The best family law solicitor in Ireland will be alert to the possibility of rash decision making that is not in your best interests

A very common reaction to any pending divorce proceedings is to just want the whole process to be over as quickly as possible. This attitude, whilst understandable, can have very detrimental results.

Such a mindset can lead to disastrous financial implications that you will be paying for long into the future.  A skilled family law solicitor will be able to quickly detect this mistake and will counsel you on how best you can proceed with your case.

Another common occurrence is where one partner tries to orchestrate “an agreement” that is heavily in favour of them. Nobody knows how to push your buttons and manipulate you like your partner. The best family law solicitor in Ireland will be attentive to any lopsided agreement’s and will advise you on how best you can use the law to counteract any unjust arrangements.

A specialist divorce lawyer in Ireland will be vigilant to these ruses and will strive to ensure that you’re not the victim of an unreasonable settlement.

How much will it cost for a divorce in Ireland 2021?

The cost of a divorce in Ireland in 2021 can vary depending on a number of key factors:

  • The complexity of your case
  • The urgency of your case
  • The specialized nature of each case

All of these issues and more will be factored into the equation when finalizing the end cost of your divorce.  Usually, a specialist divorce lawyer will sit down with you and will give you an initial estimate of any pending costs, and then as the case develops a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of any costs can be delivered.


Divorce can be a very painful task but having the best family law solicitor working for you can mitigate some of the pain. Separating in an acrimonious fashion through the courts can often be a very painful process, but it can also be a very complex process, and this is one of the many reasons why you should hire a specialist divorce lawyer who will unburden you from the legal complexities and stress.

Also, by hiring a family law solicitor you can put your mind at ease by helping to ensure that your assets are protected in every feasible way.  Overall, the best divorce law solicitor in Ireland will be skilled in extracting the best deal for you, not only in the short term but in the long term.

A family law solicitor near me


Liston Family Law is a specialist family law firm who has acted in divorce and legal separation proceedings throughout Ireland. We have acted for clients from Limerick to Dublin, Kilkenny to Louth and most counties in between. Once you book a consultation with us, we will devise a custom-made strategy to ensure that any divorce proceedings are completed in as seamless a fashion as possible. Please contact us on (061) 467 392 or email us for more information.